Sunday, 26 June 2016

Book Review: Me Before You

This book got very popular very quick. It's one of those books that I had seen around for the last couple of years and uhmed and ahh about it but it didn't really seem like my sort of book. It seemed lovey dovey and I was well against anything lovey dovey at that time.

Fast forward to it being released as a film and suddenly, my interest is peaked! And I'm more open to the idea of some lovey dovey stories now.

What can I say about this book... The main word I have found for this book is.... 'charming'
This book unbelievably sweet and charming. The writing, the development of the characters. All very well done. I felt very warmed to Lou, our main character, with her quirky style and determination.
Considering what the story goes on to become it was still kept light and comical.
Now, unless you've been under a rock you may have already heard a lot about this book/film. You may have heard people saying 'I cried so much!' Now, all I will say is.. don't believe the hype.
Don't fall for the hype. I read a few reviews from people who had folks around them build up this book only for the new reader to be left somewhat disappointed.
This isn't a masterpiece. It is a sweet and charming book and I personally LOVED it. I really enjoyed it. I found it hard to put it down really because I just wanted to be submerged in this story all the time. But that's because I like stories that are written in this way and, to be honest, I just really needed to read a funny lovey dovey book which wasn't tooooo lovey dovey and that's what I got.

I waited till I read the book to watch the trailer for the movie and already I really think I'm going to love the movie. You can't always get the right picture from a trailer but I really felt that it captured the atmosphere for this book and I am very excited to watch it (although I'll wait till all the little details from the book are out of my head first!)

For me I think this book is 4.5 out of 5 stars. I take off half a star because at times I did find myself skimming some sections because I just wanted to get to the end- I just wanted to know what was going to happen!

A good story, nicely written, warm fuzzy feelings.
Read With Me


  1. Lovely review! And I really like the photo!
    I agree 100%... It is very charming and does have that warm fuzzy feeling to it. I honestly can't wait to see the movie :D xx

  2. I absolutely agree, love love loved this book and I do think the film might actually do it justice! Thanks so much for sharing with #ReadWithMe

    1. Can't wait to watch the film! Thanks for popping over :) xx

  3. I must admit I wouldn't pick this one out, but it sounds like it's better than it looks like it will be.

    1. Yep yep! as I say although there's been a lot of hype of this book try not to go into it thinking it's going to be amazing because that's just subjective. I really enjoyed this book though hope you do too :) thanks for stopping by! Xx

  4. Popped over from the reading with me link up! Ive been wanting to read this for a while so its just been ordered :)

    1. Fabulous- hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by lovely :) xx

  5. Popped over from the reading with me link up! Ive been wanting to read this for a while so its just been ordered :)
